The benefits of the exhibitions “Modna lyalka” and “Craft. Business & Hobby”

1. Recognition of exhibitions at the national and international levels, which is confirmed by the participation of both permanent and new foreign participants, as well as visits by representatives of exhibitions of other relevant international events.

“Shaman”, Elena Arakcheeva
“Metalist – rock guitarist Agatha”, Elena Chornous
“Vitaly Kozlovsky”, Anna Daisy
“Jester”, Zhanna Lopushanska
“Gnomeo-aristocrat”, Olena Semenkova
“The Illusionist”, Victoria Poltavska
“0.01”, Julia Zyubyairova

3. Compliance with modern trends in the world market of needlework and puppet industry, as well as ensuring the presentation of popular areas of creativity and hobbies during exhibitions.

2. Constant increase in the number of new participants who previously visited the exhibitions as visitors and guests.

4. Permanent premieres of thematic art projects, which represent the works of creative communities of famous masters and artists of national and international levels.

5. A rich business program, prepared taking into account the latest global business trends for the development of small and medium-sized businesses with the participation of speakers from leading specialized companies and associations.

6. Constant growth in the number of visitors and guests from all regions of Ukraine.

7. Systematic surveys of participants and visitors of exhibitions for further statistical analysis of compliance of exhibitions with the required standards and improvement of further organization.