The theme of the new competition is “World of Tales of the Brothers Grimm”.
The participants of the competition choose the prototype of the competition work independently from the characters of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales.
These can also be prototypes of heroes from feature films based on the tales of the Brothers Grimm
Competition of author’s works “Modna Lyalka” is an open competition of author’s works of art.
Any master can take part in the competition, regardless of the city of residence. Participation in the XXIV International show of Author’s Dolls and Teddy “Modna Lyalka” is not a prerequisite for participation in this competition.
1. Nomination “Interior Doll”. Material for production – cold porcelain, baking plastic, self-hardening plastic, papier-mâché, silicone.
2. Nomination “Textile Doll”. Material for production – textiles.
3. Nomination “Teddy doll”. Teddy doll dolls in the images of fairy tale characters from the Brothers Grimm.
4. Nomination “Custom Blythe, Barbi & Co”. Customized dolls in the images of fairy tale characters from the Brothers Grimm.
The works of the participants of the Modna Lyalka competition will be exhibited in a separate exhibition in the exhibition hall of the pavilion during the XXIV International Exhibition of Author’s Dolls and Teddy “Modna Lyalka” (Kyiv, IEC, Brovarsky Ave., 15).
Requirements for exhibits
Evaluation of works on the following parameters:
The work that was previously exhibited, participated in other competitions, exhibitions, etc., is not accepted for the competition.
The work must be done independently, and not in the process of attending workshops, courses, etc.
Contest prizes
All participants will be awarded diplomas and gifts from the sponsor of the competition.
The best work will be awarded the honorary award "Best work of the Modna Lyalka competition, spring 2022".
In each nomination there is only one winner, for whom a prize will be awarded by the organizer of the exhibition.
If there are less than 5 (five) works and participants in the nomination, the prize will not be awarded. An independent jury will be set up to evaluate and select the winner of each nomination.
Terms of participation and submission of applications
By submitting the application, the participant confirms that he has carefully studied and agreed to the terms.
Each master can submit any number of his works in different nominations of his choice.
Each work should have a reference to the tale of the Brothers Grimm, which created the image.
Techniques and materials are not limited, except in those specified in certain nominations.
The image should be clear, the background light, monotonous, solid (preferably white, light gray).
Applications for participation in the competition must be submitted no later than one week before the event by e-mail, in the subject of the letter indicate "Modna Lyalka Competition, name of the participant." The application and photo of the exhibit must be attached to separate files.
During the exhibition (on the day of installation or on any other day) new works are not taken part.
The organizer accepts the information from the participants as reliable and is not responsible for errors in the applications of participants.
Each work must have a title and must be assigned to a specific nomination.
The organizer has the right to move the competition works to other nominations in case of non-compliance with the conditions of the competition or to disqualify without refunding the participation fee.
By submitting the application, the author agrees to the condition that transfers the right to publish their work on the site, social networks, as well as printed resources of the organizer.
The cost of participation
Cost of participation in the competition:
– 1 work – UAH 500.
Payment of participation on the basis of the organizer’s account.
Participation fee no later than one week before the event.
Special conditions
All exhibits of the competition can be exhibited with the consent of the participant of the sale, taking into account 10% commission in favor of the organizer. The cost of work is determined by the author.
Delivery of works
Entries must be delivered and exported by the author or proxy yourself.
Installation – on the eve of the exhibition from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Dismantling – on the last day of the exhibition from 5:00 pm to 16:00 pm.
It is possible to send works by Nova Poshta to the organizer no later than one week before the event by prior arrangement. All postage for sending to the competition and return is borne by the participant.
The organizer reserves the right to make additions to the rules of participation in this competition.
Application for participation in the contest “Modna Lyalka, Spring 2022”
* All fields are required.
** Specify the price
If the work is not for sale, write – “not for sale”