Organizer: FOP Shumansky Yu. V., LLC "MFLPM "Magic Beads", editor of the magazine "Fashion Handicraft".
Theme of the exhibition – author's collectibles, OOAK, antique, interior dolls, BJD dolls, dolls from different materials, Teddy bears, other author's toys and products, various doll accessories, clothes, shoes, doll furniture, art paintings, art projects, materials for creative hobbies, periodicals, books, brochures, etc.
1.1. IEC, 15 Brovarsky Avenue (metro station Livoberezhna), Kyiv, Ukraine
2.1. Installation of stands and registration of participants: on Thursday before the opening of the exhibition from 12:00 to 20:00.
2.2. Official opening of the exhibition: Friday, the first day of the exhibition, at 12:00.
2.3. Opening hours of the exhibition:
Friday-Saturday (1-2 days of the exhibition): from 9:30 to 19:00;
Sunday (3rd day of the exhibition): from 9:30 to 17:00.
Friday-Saturday (1-2 days of the exhibition): from 10:00 to 19:00;
Sunday (3rd day of the exhibition): from 10:00 to 17:00.
WARNING! Admission of participants to the exhibition is carried out only in the presence of a executed and paid contract (application-contract) and a power of attorney for a person authorized to sign other necessary documents (applications, acts).
2.4. Dismantling of stands and departure: Sunday (3rd day of the exhibition) from 17:00 to 20:00.
WARNING! Dismantling of stands and departure of participants earlier than the specified time is strictly prohibited! There is a paid early departure service, costing 3,500 (three thousand five hundred) hryvnias.
3.1. Provides the Participant with a stand with equipment for the duration of the exhibition in accordance with the application-agreement for participation and the application for additional services.
3.2. Provides interested persons and organizations with information about the exhibition and its business activities, production and placement of advertising for the exhibition and all preparatory work.
3.3. The Organizer has the right to change the location or shape of the stand of the Participant without reducing the exhibition area, if there are previously unforeseen technical circumstances. Planning of the exhibition as a whole, its change or change of separate details of the exhibition is the competence of the Organizer.
3.4. The organizer has the right of unimpeded access to the stand to check its condition, as well as to check the condition of engineering systems, building structures.
3.5. The Organizer has the right to photograph the Participant's stand for internal use, as well as to place photos on its information resources. If the Participant has an objection to the placement of photographs on external information resources, he is obliged to place signs on the stand "Photo and video shooting is prohibited", made in print, and located in the line of sight for visitors.
3.6. Any advertising that violates the planning or integrity of the entire exhibition, ethics and morals or damages the prestige of the exhibition and the Organizer, is prohibited by the Organizer. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the contract with the Participant who violated this condition of participation, without reimbursement of participation fees and additional services.
3.7. The Organizer is not responsible for the preservation of personal belongings (money, securities, etc.) belonging to the Participant's representatives.
3.8. The Organizer reserves the right to terminate the contract in case of non-compliance of the Participant's products with the theme of the exhibition and to refuse further participation.
3.9. The organizer has the right to refuse to accept the application for participation in the exhibition without explaining the reasons for refusal.
4.1. To present at the exhibition goods that fully correspond to the theme of the exhibition.
4.2. Place goods, equipment and exhibitions only within the area of the leased stand, without violating the perimeter of the stand.
4.3. Keep the provided exhibition area and exhibits clean and tidy. The participant is obliged to think in advance about the design of the stand and plan a careful decomposition of goods / products / works.
The stand should be decorated in a single style (including when renting one stand by several participants), the decor elements should be combined with each other. The tables should be covered with a cloth or tablecloth up to the floor. If there are several tables on the stand, the fabric should be the same or fit the style. Accumulations of boxes, containers, packages, goods, etc. are not allowed on the stand.
4.4. At the end of the exhibition to hand over all structures and equipment of the stand in good condition.
4.5. To dismantle and remove their exhibits, information and advertising material from the exhibition until 20.00 on Sunday (3rd day of the exhibition). Do not dismantle the stand, pack the exhibits until 17.00 and take them out of the exhibition area until 17.30 on Sunday (3rd day of the exhibition).
4.6. Ensure the constant presence of your representative at the stand during the hours of the exhibition.
4.7. Comply with the requirements of the Legislation of Ukraine, current rules of sanitary and fire safety. Ensure compliance with the requirements aimed at preventing the spread of the crown of viral infection, established by the authorized executive bodies of the city of Kyiv in the relevant field of activity, while working on its stand.
4.8 Do not violate the rules of the exhibition events with noise and light effects that interfere with other participants. All promotional activities for visitors The Participant is obliged to agree with the Organizer. Any audio or mobile advertising outside the Participant's stand must be agreed in writing with the Organizer in order to avoid obstacles for other Participants and visitors. If the Participant fails to comply with this condition, the supply of electricity to the Participant's stand may be terminated without taking into account the damage caused to the lighting of the stand. At the same time, the Organizer does not accept the Participant's claims regarding losses, both direct and indirect, caused by the interruption of electricity supply.
4.9. Obtain accreditation from the Organizer for TV and video recording. To do this, you must agree in advance with the Organizer. The film crew is given a "PRESS" badge.
4.10. Not to carry out during the exhibition activities that are prohibited or contrary to current legislation of Ukraine.
4.11. Adhere to the requirements for the organization and implementation of trade activities established by the regulations of Ukraine. Including making payments to customers in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine.
4.12. Ensure the placement and distribution of information materials provided by the Organizer about the exhibition on the website and social networks of the Participant (banner, news, advertisements about their participation) and on the territory of the Participant (office, trade hall, etc.) (flyers, posters, etc. products of the Organizer).
4.13. To pay any invoices issued by the Organizer on the basis of fines, penalties, damages, claims, confirmed additional costs, etc. within one (one) banking day from the moment of invoicing.
5.1. Reduce the width of the aisles with goods, equipment (tables, chairs, banners, racks, racks, mannequins, hangers), exposure, decor, packaging and other items.
5.2. Carry out activities that interfere with the work of other participants and visitors to the exhibition. Including in the format of participation "workplace" to use any structures that block the exposure of neighboring participants.
5.3. Use the aisles as a venue for events. Fashion shows or other events using the podium and / or platform are allowed only in specially designated areas of the pavilion or within the stands. The script of the event is provided to the Organizer in advance.
5.4. Transfer the exhibition space to a third party both in part and in full, both for a fee and free of charge without the written permission of the Organizer.
5.5. Sell on the stand goods of industrial production that do not correspond to the theme of the exhibition.
5.6. Violate the integrity and cleanliness of the walls of the pavilion, elements of the designer (wall panels, racks, frieze panels, beams) and equipment of the Developer, including the use of adhesive tape and other materials (double-sided and masking tape, glue, oracle, buttons, etc.). n.), independently mount and screw something into the walls of the pavilion, in the elements of the designer and
Developer's equipment.
5.7. Damage any electrical wiring attached to the elements of the stand designer, as well as hang equipment and design elements on the wiring to avoid the risk of electric shock, short circuit and damage to electrical equipment.
5.8. Carry out construction and installation work inside the pavilion without the consent of the Organizer.
5.9. Distribute or place advertising materials outside the occupied stand without the written consent of the Organizer.
5.10. Distribute or place advertising materials of third parties both on its stand and outside it.
5.11. Carry out advertising events in the exhibition complex and the adjacent territory without the written consent of the Organizer.
5.12. On stands equipped with a standard 220 W socket with a capacity of up to 1 kW, connect electrical appliances with a total power exceeding 1 kW. Electrical appliances must be certified and in good condition.
5.13. Decorate the stand with balloons filled with helium.
5.14. Move furniture and equipment of the developer from the stands of other exhibitors to your stand without the permission of the Organizer of the exhibition.
5.15. Sell invitations to the exhibition issued by the Organizer.
6.1. The exhibition area (according to the applications) is provided to the Participant for rent for the period from 12:00 on Thursday (official day of arrival) to 20:00 on Sunday (3rd day of the exhibition).
6.2. Payment of the registration fee and rent of the exhibition space must be made by the Participant in full on the details specified by the organizer before arrival at the exhibition, with at least 30% of the final invoice value - within 5 banking days from the date of invoice.
6.3. Organizational fee - in accordance with the application-agreement.
WARNING! The registration fee is charged from each full-time Exhibitor! If two or more participants are placed on one common stand, the registration fee is paid by each participant separately!
The cost of the registration fee includes: payment of advertising and organizational costs, textual information about the Participant with the participant's contacts in the exhibition catalog, placement of the name (or project name), two badges of the participant on the stand, invitation to visit the exhibition for two, invitation for one person for a solemn evening, the Participant's diploma.
WARNING! An additional badge worth UAH 100 can be pre-ordered for stands up to 4 m2 in size.
6.4. Options for placing the Participant in the exhibition area:
- linear stand (open on one side)
- corner stand (open on two sides)
- unequipped area (minimum stand area from 6 m²).
- linear author's stand (open on one side)
- corner author's stand (open on two sides)
- podium (1.0x1.0x1.0)
- average podium (1,0х0,5х1,0)
- small podium (1,0х0,5х0,5)
- glass show-window (1,0х0,5х2,5 m with illumination)
- jobs to choose from.
6.5. The cost of rent for the equipped exhibition space includes:
6.6. These prices include value added tax (20% VAT).
6.7. Minimum size of the equipped exhibition space for rent:
7.1. The completed and certified application-contract for participation in the exhibition must be submitted to the organizer of the exhibition no later than one week before arrival at the exhibition.
7.2. After paying the registration fee, the participant is registered as an official Exhibitor.
8.1. After registration, signing the application-contract and receiving the invoice, the Participant transfers 30% of the value of the exhibition space to the organizer's account within 5 banking days. The amount of rent according to the remaining invoice is paid no later than seven days before the start of arrival at the exhibition.
8.2. The Organizer does not provide services in case of late payment by the Participant. Participation in the exhibition is possible only if the participant pays 100% for the services within the time specified in paragraph 8.1.
9.1. Installation and decoration of stands: Thursday, the day before the opening of the exhibition, from 12:00 to 20:00.
Dismantling of stands: Sunday (3rd day of the exhibition) from 17:00 to 20:00.
9.2. All assembly and disassembly works are carried out within the leased exhibition space.
9.3. The participant is prohibited from dismantling any structural elements of the standard stand; it is forbidden to fasten the exhibits to the wall panels in any way that leads to mechanical damage to the panels or their damage (nails, non-removable screws, or paint tape, or glue, etc.).
9.4. The participant is forbidden to attach the exhibits to the equipment and the floor of the pavilion.
9.5. The participant is strictly forbidden to eliminate malfunctions in the work of the electrical equipment installed on the stand, as well as to independently connect electrical appliances to the regular power sources of the exhibition pavilion.
9.6. The Organizer has the right to rearrange or remove at the expense of the Participant everything that is outside the paid leased space. Equipment and exhibits of the Participant must be located within the paid area and not clutter the aisles.
9.7. It is not allowed to take any details of the stand design outside the exhibition area paid for by the Exhibitor.
9.8. Any excess of the height of the stand, including the construction of a two- and more-floor stand, requires the permission of the developer of the IEC and the organizer.
9.9. Loading and unloading, construction, installation and registration of the exhibition can begin no earlier than 13:00 on Thursday and must be completed, including the removal of containers and garbage by 20:00 on the third day of the exhibition (Sunday).
9.10. All design and construction and installation services ordered by the Participant, as well as additional equipment, are paid on separate invoices according to the prices presented in the list "Order for additional equipment and services" (sent on request). These bills must be paid 2 weeks before the start of installation work.
10.1. Dismantling of the stand, packing of exhibits and their removal from the exhibition area until the end of the exhibition is prohibited.
10.2. After the exhibition, the Participant is obliged to hand over all structures and equipment of the stand in good and clean condition, in case of damage to structures and equipment, the Participant is obliged to pay its full cost according to the prices presented in the list "Order for additional equipment and services".
10.3. After the end of the exhibition, all exhibits and equipment of the exhibition stand (exposition) owned by the Participant are taken out by the participant independently. The participant must vacate the leased space no later than 20:00 on the third day of the exhibition (Sunday).
11.1. The participant is provided with additional services and equipment, according to the list "Order for additional equipment and services".
12.1. The participant is obliged to provide the organizer with information for placement in the guide (if it will be printed before the exhibition), in the list of participants on the organizer's website no later than two weeks before the exhibition.
12.2. The Organizer is not responsible for the accuracy of the information and advertising materials submitted by the Participant, does not monitor the observance of copyright in the reproduction of audio and video advertising. The entrant must independently resolve all issues related to the payment of royalties and compliance with the law on copyright and related rights, as well as be responsible for non-compliance.
12.3. Photo and video shooting taken by the Participant during the exhibition is carried out with the permission of the organizer. The organizer reserves the right to use photos and videos of exhibitors in the future at its discretion.
13.1. Risk insurance is provided by the Participant independently. Participants are strongly encouraged to insure their exhibits and other equipment for which they are responsible.
14.1. During the exhibition, the Participant is allowed in the exhibition hall from 9.30 to 19.00 in the presence of badges of participants.
14.2. All types of lotteries, raffles or prize competitions are held only in accordance with the law and with the written permission of the organizer.
14.3. Commercial activity at the exhibition is carried out in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine.
14.4. For import-export of exhibits from the territory of the exhibition the system of passes for import-export of the equipment is used. The participant must follow the following procedure: print out and fill in the entry-exit permit (Appendix №1 in the participant's manual) in 2 copies, certified by signature and, if available, seal. Permission is shown at the entrance to the pavilion.
Import of equipment is allowed only after receiving the stamp "Entry I allow" on 2 copies.
WARNING! Issuance of a permit for the removal of equipment before 16.00 and departure of participants before 17.00 is strictly prohibited! There is a paid early departure service, costing 3,500 (three thousand five hundred) hryvnias.
14.5. During the exhibition, the access of trucks to the territory of the IEC for the import and export of exhibits is prohibited, the entry-exit permit is valid only on the days of arrival and departure of exhibitors.
14.6. Storage of containers and packaging of equipment on the stands of the participant and in other places of the exhibition pavilions is strictly prohibited.
15.1. Access to the exhibition by the Participant is via the participant's badge. The badge is the official document for unimpeded entry into and exit from the exhibition and is valid all days of the exhibition.
16.1. There is a cafe on the territory of the pavilion from 10.00 to 18.00. All meals should be held in a specially designated place.
17.1. Every morning before the opening of the exhibition, the aisles between the stands are cleaned, as well as the garbage left in front of the stands in garbage bags.
WARNING! For an additional fee, the Participant can order a cleaning service at his stand.
18.1. During the exhibition, the stands are guarded from 19.00 to 9.30 the next day.
18.2. In the period from 19.00 to 9.00 the entrance to the exhibition hall of the pavilion is closed.
18.3. The participant should ensure the presence of his representative at the stand during the exhibition. The responsibility for the preservation of exhibits and personal belongings on the stands from the moment of opening the pavilion until the moment of its closing by the security rests solely with the Participant.
19.1. In case of reduction of the exhibition area or refusal to participate in the exhibition, the participant is obliged to pay a penalty to the organizer in the following amounts:
120 days before the start of installation works - 25% of the cost of participation (part of the area);
60 days before the start - 75% of the participation fee (part of the area);
less than 35 days before the start of installation work - 100% of the cost of participation (part of the area).
19.2. The participant is obliged to inform the organizer in writing about the reduction of the exhibition area or refusal to participate in the exhibition.
WARNING! In case of refusal to participate in the exhibition, penalties in the amount of the registration fee are not refundable!
20.1. The Parties shall be released from liability for full or partial non-fulfillment of any condition of this Agreement, if this was the result of force majeure, which objectively makes it impossible to fulfill obligations.
20.2. By force majeure circumstances are understood the case, force majeure, as well as all other circumstances defined in paragraphs. 20.3. - 20.4. of this Agreement as a basis for release from liability for breach of Agreement.
20.3. Force majeure in this Agreement means any extraordinary event of an external nature to the Parties, which occurs without the fault of the Parties, against their will or against the will or desire of the Parties, and which cannot be foreseen and cannot be foreseen. to avoid (avoid), including (but not limited to) natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, lightning damage, etc.), disasters of biological, man-made and anthropogenic origin (explosions, fires, failures of machinery and equipment) , mass epidemics, epizootics, epiphytosis, etc.), circumstances of public life (war, hostilities, blockades, public unrest, terrorism, mass strikes and lockouts, boycotts, etc.), as well as the publication of prohibitive or restrictive regulations of public authorities or local governments , other lawful or unlawful prohibitive or restrictive measures of the said authorities that prevent the Parties from of this Agreement or temporarily impede such performance.
20.4. This Agreement means any circumstances which are not considered to be force majeure under this Agreement and which are not directly conditioned by the actions of the Parties and are not related to them by a causal link that arises through no fault of the Parties, against their will or against their will. or at the request of the Parties, and which cannot be foreseen with the usual measures and cannot be averted (avoided) with all care and diligence.
20.5. The onset of force majeure must be certified by a competent body determined by the current legislation of Ukraine.
20.6. The Party intending to invoke force majeure shall immediately, taking into account the capabilities of technical means of instant communication and the nature of existing obstacles, notify the other Party of the existence of force majeure and their impact on the implementation of this Agreement.
20.7. If the force majeure and (or) their consequences temporarily impede the implementation of this Agreement, the implementation of this Agreement shall be suspended for a period during which it is impossible. Upon termination of force majeure, the period of performance of the obligations is resumed.
20.8. If the force majeure lasts for more than six months, each of the Parties has the right to refuse to continue to perform its obligations under this Agreement without the right to compensation.
21.1. The Organizer provides external protection of the premises where the exhibition is located, and is not responsible for the presence and condition of the Exhibitor's exhibition property during the exhibition, and is not responsible for the loss of other tangible assets belonging to the Exhibitor, his representative or persons working on participant or invited by him.
21.2. The participant uses the exhibition space only for its intended purpose and in accordance with the exposition plan. For violating the boundaries of the stand – a fine of 2500 (two thousand five hundred) UAH. or removal from the exhibition hall without reimbursement of the cost of participation in the exhibition.
21.3. The participant has no right to transfer, rent or change the stand allocated to him partially or completely without the written permission of the exhibition organizer.
21.4. The participant is financially liable to the organizer for damage (damage) of exhibition equipment and property in the amount of double the price at the price on the day of their order according to the price list of the IEC.
21.5. The participant is fully responsible for compliance with the rules of fire safety, safety and industrial sanitation. In case of their violation, it pays all penalties applied by the relevant control bodies. During the exhibition, smoking is allowed only in a specially designated place.
21.6. The participant has no right to dismantle his exposition before the official closing of the exhibition.
21.7. If the Participant does not take his exhibition property out of the territory of the exhibition within the established period of dismantling, he pays the organizer the associated costs.
21.8. The participant has no right to carry out during the exhibition activities that are prohibited or contrary to current legislation of Ukraine.
21.9. The participant has no right to transfer their powers and obligations to third parties without the written consent of the organizer.
22.1. In case of violation of these conditions by the Participant, the organizer has the right to refuse the Participant to provide an exhibition stand (square).
22.2. Complaints of the Participant must be sent to the organizer in writing no later than the last day of the exhibition. Disputes between the parties shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine.
22.3. The Participant is responsible for damages caused to the property of the Organizer and / or property of third parties involved in the organization of the event, including and / or property of the Site, during the preparation and / or in connection with the event, if such damage was caused by the Participant's employees and / or a third party involved by the Participant. The Participant is obliged to reimburse the confirmed real losses at the first request of the Organizer, including in case of third party claims against the Organizer. In case of damage to the property of the Organizer and third parties involved in the organization of the event, including and / or property of the IEC, an Act is drawn up, which is signed by the Parties to this agreement. In case of refusal of the Participant to sign the act, the Organizer signs it unilaterally and makes a mark in the Act of refusal of the Participant to sign the Act. The Participant is obliged to reimburse the damage / damage in full in the manner prescribed by paragraph 4.13 of these Terms.
Violators of the conditions of participation will be subject to penalties (in the amount specified in the Application Agreement for participation in the exhibition).
The Organizer also reserves the right to immediately cancel the agreement with the Participant who violated the terms of participation without reimbursement of participation fees and additional services.