Winners of the Contest “Anniversary Modna Lyalka”, October 18-20, 2019

Nomination “Traditional bear”

“Live Now”, Alesya Hetman (Kyiv)

“Peppy Longstocking”, Elena Kantur (Barcelona)

“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind”, Yulia Malysheva (Kyiv)

Winners of author’s toy contest “My Favorite Teddy Bear”,
October 18-20, 2019

Nomination “Bear Made in amigurumi technique”

Nomination “Teddy bear made using the technique of dry felting”

“Well, take me to the sea...”, Vlada Dykan (Poltava)

“Mikhalich”, Lyubov Bugayova (Selidove)

“The Pink Bear”, Anastasia Koshova (Nizhyn)